
TV's serverTV's server

Version: 2.05.1
What is TV's server? TV's server is a program to publish your own homepage with photo's, music, ect. It is simply accesable through your default browser you are currently using and the server is easy to setup with a simple wizard! The updater will bring you the newest version. The famous programming language PHP is included and the setup will configurate it for you. Click on the information icon to get more information or click directly on the download icon and download the server!

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Media serviceTV's Media service

Version: 1.00
Imagine, you are listening to music but suddenly the computer needs a restart, you do not remember which song was playing so you restart the playlist over and over again! This problem can be solved when you start using TV's media service. TV's media service is a musicplayer that begins playing when Windows is starting up, exactly where it stopped when Windows was shutdown. Click on the information icon to get more information or click directly on the download icon and download the program!

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Switch_desktopTV's Switch desktop

Version: 1.00
Do you need to hide something or can you use some more space? Switch desktop is your solution! This program will create a second desktop and you will be able to switch between them with a a single click on the keybord. To switch you just press CTRL+ALT+S! Click on the information icon to get more information or click directly on the download icon and download the program!

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Rundll32 cloneRundll32 clone

Version: 2.00
This was suposed to be a clone of the program rundll32.exe, included on every windows version, however the syntax of this program is complete different. There is a DLL and executable version available.

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APITV's API search

It is not always easy for a Windows programmer to find out on which Windows version his/her program would work. TV's API search can help them! TV's API search is a online program that can tell them on which version the API function is available. To start finding API functions click the icon below.

OldiesOldies but goodies

These will be updated when I've time again. When it has been updated you will find older products like TV's player or background media-player!